Curriculum Vitae


2014 Doctor in Agricultural Sciences in the field of Food Technology and Nutrition   
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland
2007 Master of Science in Chemistry
University of Granada, Spain 

Work Experience 

October 2009 - April 2014  Malopolska Centre of Food Monitoring and Certification Krakow  
Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland   
TALENTIA Fellowship Program by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment in Andalusia, Spain  
Thesis: Development of method for the determination of pesticides in food with high fat content

October 2012 - July 2013  Labotest Torun
Accredited Laboratory of Physical-Chemical Analysis, Torun, Poland 
European Regional Development Funds (The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Regional Operational Programme (ROP) for 2007 - 2013)             
Project: Development of method for the isolation of pesticide residues in food of plant origin

May 2009 - October 2009  Institute of Materials Science in Barcelona ICMAB Barcelona  
Superior Council of Scientific Researches, CSIC, Spain  
Technical Researcher - Atomic Force Microscopy   

March 2008 - May 2009    Malopolska Centre of Food Monitoring and Certification Krakow   
Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland 
Grant holder. Erasmus and Leonardo da Vinci Program  
Project: Determination of pesticides in fruits by multi-residue QuEChERS method and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

August 2007 - Sept 2007   Food and Agriculture Laboratory of Granada Granada
Accredited Laboratory of Food Analysis. Ministry of Agriculture in Andalusia, Spain
Grant holder - Analysis of water, food, oil, soil, leave,... 

Scientific Articles  

- Optimization of different sample treatments for determination of pesticide residues in chicken liver samples by QuEChERS method and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik E., Walkowska I. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014 Under review
- Determination of pesticide residues in fish tissues by modified QuEChERS method and dual-d-SPE clean-up coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik E., Cieslik I., Walkowska I. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014 Under review  
- Evaluation of QuEChERS method for the determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in select groups of fruits
Cieslik E., Sadowska-Rociek A., Molina Ruiz J.M., Surma-Zadora M. Food Chemistry 125, 773-778. 2011  
- Application of QuEChERS method for determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in selected food products  
Cieslik E., Sadowska-Rociek A., Molina Ruiz J.M., Surma-Zadora M. Monography of X Scientific Conference Dioxins in Industry and Environment, 2009, Krakow - Tomaszowice, ss. 164, 47-55


- Extraction of pesticide residues in tissues of different fishes by modified QuEChERS method. Cieslik I., Cieslik E., Molina-Ruiz J.M., Migdal W. 15th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech2013, August 2013, Brazil
- Pesticide residues analysis in avocado samples by Gas Chromatography-SIM-Mass Spectrometry after modified QuEChERS method coupled to dual-d-SPE clean-up. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Surma M., Sadowska-Rociek A., Cieslik E., Walkowska I. 14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech2012, September 2012, Messina, Italy
- Fat content extraction and fatty acids composition in avocado samples. Cieslik E., Molina-Ruiz J.M., Walkowska I. 14th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech2012, September 2012, Messina, Italy
- Pesticide residues determination in olive and oilseed rape samples by Gas Chromatography-SIM-Mass Spectrometry after modified QuEChERS method coupled to dual-d-SPE clean-up. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik E., Sadowska-Rociek A., Walkowska I. 10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress "Fats, Oils and Lipids: from Science and Technology to Health", EFL2012, September 2012, Krakow, Poland
- Comparison of content of selected minerals and cadmium in olive, oilseed rape and avocado samples. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik E., Walkowska I. 10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress "Fats, Oils and Lipids: from Science and Technology to Health", EFL2012, September 2012, Krakow, Poland
- Content of fat and fatty acids composition in oilseed rape samples. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik E., Walkowska I., Sieja K.10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress "Fats, Oils and Lipids: from Science and Technology to Health", EFL2012, September 2012, Krakow, Poland
- Content of fat and fatty acids composition in olive samples. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik E., Walkowska I., Sieja K. 10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress "Fats, Oils and Lipids: from Science and Technology to Health", EFL2012, September 2012, Krakow, Poland
- Comparison of two preparation procedures for determination of pesticide residues in avocado by QuEChERS method and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik E., Walkowska I., Sadowska-Rociek A., Sieja K. 9th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, EPRW2012, June 2012, Vienna, Austria
- Evaluation of different sample treatments for the determination of pesticide residues in chicken liver by QuEChERS method and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik E., Walkowska I., Sadowska-Rociek A., Migdal W. 9th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, EPRW2012, June 2012, Vienna, Austria
- Multiresidue pesticide analysis in fresh herbal spices by modified QuEChERS method and GC-SIM-MS. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Sadowska-Rociek A., Surma M., Cieslik E. 9th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, EPRW2012, June 2012, Vienna, Austria
- Application of QuEChERS method for the determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in food of animal origin. Molina-Ruiz J.M., Surma M., Sadowska-Rociek A., Cieslik E. 9th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, EPRW2012, June 2012, Vienna, Austria
- Evaluation method for the determination of pesticide residues in olive and oilseed rape samples by QuEChERS method and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Cieslik E., Molina Ruiz J.M., Sadowska-Rociek A., Walkowska I. 5th International Symposium on “Recent Advances in Food Analysis”, RAFA2011, November 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
- Application of QuEChERS method for determination of PAHs and chlorobenzenes in selected food samples. Sadowska-Rociek A., Surma M., Cieslik E., Molina Ruiz J.M. 5th International Symposium on “Recent Advances in Food Analysis”, RAFA2011, November 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
- The level of selected minerals and cadmium in chicken livers in dependence of age. Cieslik E., Walkowska I., Molina Ruiz J.M., Cieslik I., Migdal W. 11th European Nutrition Conference “Diversity vs Globalization: A Nutritional Challenge for a Changing Europe”, FENS2011, October 2011, Madrid, Spain  
- The content of fat and fatty acids composition in chicken liver. Cieslik E., Cieslik I., Molina-Ruiz J.M., Walkowska I., Migdal W. 3rd International Congress “New Perspectives and Challenges of Sustainable Livestock Production”, October 2011, Belgrade, Serbia
- Comparison of content of selected minerals and cadmium in chicken and goose liver. Cieslik E., Walkowska I., Molina-Ruiz J.M., Cieslik I., Migdal W. 3rd International Congress “New Perspectives and Challenges of Sustainable Livestock Production”, October 2011, Belgrade, Serbia
- Evaluation of QuEChERS method for the determination of pesticide residues in selected products of plant and animal origin. Sadowska-Rociek A., Surma-Zadora M., Cieslik E., Molina Ruiz J.M. VIII Polish Conference on Analytical Chemistry “Analytical Chemistry for Society at XXI Century”, July 2010, Krakow, Poland
- Evaluation of QuEChERS method for the determination of pesticide residues in selected fruits. Sadowska-Rociek A., Molina Ruiz J.M., Surma-Zadora M., Cieslik E. X Scientific Conference of the Polish Society of Food Technologists Food series of XXI Century “Enriched Food and Nutraceuticals”, June 2009, Krakow, Poland


- Optimization of analysis conditions working with HPLC-MS and UHPLC-MS. 10 hours. Shim-pol, Krakow (Poland). 2013
- Recent development in environmental analysis. 10 hours. Sigma-Aldrich, Krakow (Poland). 2012
- Modern methods in food analysis. 10 hours. Sigma-Aldrich, Warsaw (Poland). 2012
- Monitoring of environment and safety food. 10 hours. University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland). 2008
- Chromatographic techniques for food quality assessment. 10 hours. University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland). 2008
- Physic-chemical instrumental Analyst. 310 hours. Centro FPO SAE Granada (Spain). 2007
- Materials recovery and recycling. 30 hours. Fundación Empresa Universidad de Granada (Spain). 2006
- Quality management in laboratories ISO 17025:2005. 10 hours. Colegio de Químicos y Asociación de Químicos de Andalucía (Spain). 2006  
- Basic knowledge of viticulture and enology. 60 hours. Colegio de Químicos y Asoc. de Químicos de Andalucía  (Spain). 2006
- Law and instrumental safety and risks at work in Spain. 30 hours. Centro Mediterráneo Universidad de Granada (Spain). 2003
- Industrial wastes treatment techniques.30 hours. Centro Mediterráneo Universidad de Granada (Spain). 2002
- Sample treatment.  20 hours. Universidad de Granada (Spain). 2002  

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